East Lancs Clarion Choir Logo

Singing for Health

In Greater Manchester, the population health plan states an intention to 'position the strong interrelationship between arts and individual and community health as one of the key foundations of building sustainable and resilient communities across Greater Manchester'.
Arts and culture are being included in partnerships with health service commissioners and providers, with arts activity a core element of future planning and provision. Arts and health commissioners and practitioners are stimulating debate on the arts and health as a social movement under the banner Live Well Make Art All-Party Parliamentary Group on Arts, Health and Wellbeing Inquiry – The Short Report. July 2017​


Since 2000, there has been a growing interest in the health benefits of singing, represented in the number of studies published in the UK alone (Clift & Hancox 2001; Clift & Morrison 2011; Lynch & O'Donaghue, 2017).

The 2001 study of 84 choral singers by Stephen Clift and Grenville Hancox found:

Improved breathing, improved speech and posture, improved circulation, reduced pain levels and increased sense of well-being (Clift et al, 2001)

Most significant findings;

A more recent study in 2018 was an international, cross sectional study involving 1,779 adult participants (choir members). Themes identified were:

Research since 2001 continues to confirm benefits in:

General wellbeing / mental health / immune function

Respiratory health


Pain management

Parkinson's and other neurological conditions

General physical health

Children and young people


The Singing for Health Network is a UK based service run by the charity CYMAZ Music